Jonathan Rosenberg, Google's Retreat

Just a day Larry Page reassume the CEO (chief executive officer) of Google, he must give up one of the officials left the key. Jonathan Rosenberg resigned from his position as Senior Vice President, Product Management at Google.

Rosenberg's resignation is quite surprising because so far he was the person who oversees all design and product development at Google. Rosenberg joined Google in 2002. Previously, he worked at Excite AtHome, Apple, and other Silicon Valley companies. Thanks to his expertise, years ago, Google gives 1.7 million dollar bonus and shares worth 5 million U.S. dollars.

"Jonathan's a phenomenal, very deft, strategids, someone who has a real principle is always menemptakan users as a priority," said Larry Page (38). According to Larry Page, Jonathan Rosenberg is the man who contributed to the success of Google in the last nine years.

Rosenberg announced his resignation on Monday (04/04/2011). In one interview reported by The San Jose Mercury News, Rosenberg wanted to concentrate while at pendiidkan son who will start college in 2013.

Source: Bloomberg


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