Google Master 6000 Nortel Patents

Coincidence or not, Google is ready poured 900 million dollars to acquire Nortel's patents on Monday (04/04/2011), on the first day Larry Page became the CEO (chief executive officer) back. Larry Page, who left the job 10 years selaam was staying digadang would bring Google's increasingly aggressive competition, especially in the mobile industry today.

Nortel said it had made a deal with Google and wait for approval from relevant authorities. The number of patents that will be controlled by Google's 6,000 patents related to wireless connection technology, 4G, data networking, optical, voice, internet, service providers, and semiconductor technology.

"A very broad patent portfolio that covers nearly all aspects of telecommunications and market support including internet search and social networking," Nortel said in a statement. The Canadian company was forced to sell all its assets after being declared bankrupt.

Google's own ambition to get a patent as a weapon to deal with a lot of patent lawsuits related to the technology it uses. Google also will use it to support the development of technologies based on open source development such as Android and Chrome.

To get a patent, Google reportedly had to compete with other companies who are also interested in these patents in the auction closed. Among others, Apple, Ericsson, and RPX (Rational Patent Exchange). RPX is a patent litigation firm that helps companies create problems with patents and patent his own with an annual usage license.



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