've Made Super 50 Gigapixel Camera

The camera can produce images with amazing detail introduced by experts in the United States. Early-type camera, named AWARE2-able to take pictures with up to 50 gigapixel resolution, equivalent to 50,000 megapixels, experts say the combination of the three universities in the United States. AWARE2 working with a small camera adds 98. "Every camera will capture images individually and then the processor in the camera will menggambungkan recorded images or photographs," said David Brady, the team leader mengembanglan this super camera. Brady explains the details of the photographed object may not be visible to the naked eye, but can be seen after the photo is printed. Much larger The average digital cameras sold in the market today can take photographs with a resolution of between eight to 40 megapixels. Pixels are the dots '' individual data and the greater the number of pixels the better the resolution of images produced. AWARE2 early type with a length of 76 cm width 51 cm, which is physically much larger than most cameras today. "It's the size of the camera we developed was very large because the electronic components can not be understated and we also need a special cooling system," said Brady. "But along with technological developments, we believe this super camera will be about the size of small cameras like the one on the market today," he added. It is probable that the technology developed this team of experts will be used for military reconnaissance. source :tecno.kompas.com


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