Game not only cause children to be lazy learning and repetition. Game company Valve game Portal 2 change her into a medium of learning that can be used easily by any teacher.
Nature of the game Portal 2, which uses various laws of physics and mathematics to make the puzzle is used to its full potential in this learning program.
Teachers and students can together solve a variety of issues involving the ability of physics, mathematics, logic, probability, and problem solving. Teachers can also use existing teaching programs or create your own program according to the class.
Teaching program based on an interesting conundrum is also providing support for teachers in the form of forums to share experiences and ideas on his official website (
Teachers were also given a program to create your own puzzles that will be used for lessons. Through these exciting lesson students can learn a variety of physics and mathematics that had been tedious, such as parabolic motion, gravity, air resistance, and momentum.
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