Minister of Communications and Information Tifatul Sembiring confirmed, internet network operator "rogue" who deliberately leaked porn site access and other negative berkonten will be dealt with. "The sites that contain pornographic content is blocked and negative, closed access. Not by the ministry, but the operator is close access to the site," he said in Jakarta, Saturday (23/06/2012).
This was revealed by Minister of Communication after the opening of the seminar "Building Creative Industries Ecosystem Conservation Efforts For the National Culture-Based IT" initiated by the University of Dian Nuswantoro (Udinus) Semarang.
According to Tifatul, step is the filtering of negative berkonten sites that do a variety of ways by the Internet network service providers, but sometimes it "leaked".
"Although it was closed, sometimes it was 'leaked' that can be accessed. However, the 'leaking' routine really? For example, every Sunday night. When they find anything like this, immediately report it to us," he said.
He explained that it would crack down on Internet network service providers who "leaked" deliberately, beginning with the admonition to three times, with the remaining managers can be prosecuted. "Report it. Not the site, but the operator which will be dealt with. Operator internet network provider in Indonesia is currently about 14 operators. If one or two, or three times is understandable," he said.
If no operator action against "rogue", said politicians Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), the government could be blamed by the public, for government, both central and local governments are obliged to prevent pornography.
Berkonten negatively related to the site, he said until now there are at least a million sites that are blocked, while the total internet sites that have reached over 10 billion websites. "For the website alone there are about 6.5 billion, is plentiful. Therefore, if you find these sites of negative berkonten immediately report it to us. Please send via ''," said Tifatul.
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